© Copyright 2012 CFD Hands On S.A.S. All rights reserved.

CFD Hands On

Fluid flow and heat transfer modeling or Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is now part of most product development cycles. Understanding and optimizing product performances around fluid flow and thermal issues, before building prototypes, leads to cutting development time and costs dramatically. CFD remains an investment so it is important to ensure that such a piece of software will not become shelf-ware!


CFD Hands On was founded to answer a market need: no matter which industry you are in, if you want to successfully use a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) software, its proper implementation is the key to you company’s success. Our technical experts are here to train your team on Autodesk® Simulation CFD.


The CFD Hands On technical team has partnered with hundreds of companies in various industries (aerospace, railway and automobile, electronics and consumer electronics, energy, lighting, civil, mechanical, medical and pharmaceutical, universities, architecture, ventilation, industrial, sports,...) to help them make the most of Autodesk Simulation CFD. We combine your intimate product knowledge and our industry experience, understanding of your needs and CFD expertise to define the best practices for your product development during hands on and specific trainings.


As an independent company, CFD Hands On works directly with the industry and also in collaboration with Autodesk® software resellers.

Squeeze more out of CFD

through hands on training & consulting